Moving Forward in our Journey

As we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been so grateful for the ongoing support we’ve received. And while this difficult time has meant we’ve had to change how we’re doing things, we can still report our water projects and healthcare work in Comayagua is moving along!

Health & Safety

Like many of you, our staff and volunteers have been working virtually.

As local government allows, we will convene a small (4-5 people) group of volunteers to prepare a container for shipment from our Falls Church, Va. warehouse to Comayagua, Honduras. These volunteers will be knowledgeable about infection prevention, and we are taking measures to clean high traffic areas and surfaces in both warehouses.

Programs on the Go

We check in weekly with our operations director in Honduras. Fortunately, he has permission from the municipality to visit the remote villages in Comayagua to teach them how to recognize and prevent the spread of COVID-19, and to deliver food, medicine and supplies.

We anticipate securing funds from Rotary International to install clean water in three villages this year. We are helping the community water boards in these villages to prepare by ensuring adequate water supplies and advance training on hygiene and sanitation.

Click here to visit the water source for this project!

Programs on Hold

Unfortunately, the Brigade will not be making the annual surgical trip this fall, to ensure the health and safety of its volunteers and those we serve. We are updating our partners, and hearing from them that in fact, food  that these are the essential needs for Hondurans right now, and we want to use what resources we have to meet the most urgent needs of the poor in the communities where we work.

Moving Forward

We want to continue the good work to which so many have contributed. A gift today protects the impact of past investments by enabling us to carry this work forward. For example, we are exploring innovative solutions to meet changing needs in health education and healthcare, such as telehealth.

Stay Informed and Involved

We are planning special online events featuring our long-time partners from Honduras, including leaders from two private clinics: El Ayudante and Centro Médico San Benito Jose.  Please stay tuned for details.

We will make it to the other side of this pandemic, and we hope you will be with us on the journey!


Music as Medicine


Caring During Covid-19